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Here's what Clients say about Coach Lisa Carey:

“Lisa Carey is a caring, sensitive and focused coach. She is able to quickly put issues in perspective, something most people cannot do. I have sought her guidance on a number of issues with outstanding results. Lisa is the Coach for me.” Engineering Director

“While it might sound trite you are a fantastic listener. You really listen to

People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be.
Harvey Mackay

what a person is saying and are extremely adept at picking up what they are not necessarily saying, but what they really mean. And then you remember, not just for a day - but over time and consolidate all that information to give you a very complete picture of the people you encounter. You learn what matters to individuals and then provide them with that.” Division Director

“When I was at a crossroads in my career and needed to decide whether to retire from the military or not, Lisa assisted me tremendously in making that major career decision. Before working with Lisa, I didn’t think I knew what I wanted to do, and I certainly couldn’t articulate what type of new career would make me happy. Lisa helped me to organize my thoughts and set priorities for myself, both personally and professionally. Lisa has an innate ability to hear in my words what I don’t even realize is there, and uses that ability to lead me in the direction that I come to realize is right for me. Lisa has had an extraordinarily positive effect on my life. I am happier now in both my personal and professional life then I ever have been.” Budget/Financial Analyst

“Lisa changed my approach to life! Over the past five years, she has helped me: kick start a boring job, carve out personal time for friends and family, find time for hobbies and achieve specific life goals. I couldn't have done it without her coaching. Lisa possesses the rare ability to adapt her coaching style to meet differing needs and is very highly tuned to individual needs and requirements. Her understanding of both military and civilian lifestyles makes her extremely effective. Coach Carey absolutely makes a difference!” Capt USN

“When I entered into a coaching relationship with Lisa my life had gotten ho-hum. The bad part was that I had not really noticed. The good news is that Lisa picked up on this in no time and started her magic on me. Through the tools of her trade she had me look deep into myself to find the real me I never knew existed. This new knowledge if myself allowed me to emerge into a different career. Through careful listening on Lisa’s part she helped me develop my own set of tools that has worked for me quite successfully. I now have branched further in this new field, each action a building block for the next.” Teacher

“Lisa has been instrumental for me to attain my goal of becoming the best that I can be in all aspects of my life. Lisa has helped me in her very professional way to see the mountains of possibility in each avenue of life, to see how to navigate any challenge smoothly. From regularly meeting with Lisa, I am learning this proactive approach to life as opposed to allowing the stress that naturally accompanies responsibility and accountability from becoming overwhelming.” Sports Chiropractor

Call 703-455-9125 or Contact Coach Lisa Carey